Understanding that life and rescources is constantly changing at a steadly pace Inbound Foundation has partnered with the University of Florida in efforts to establish a sustainability layout where the community can benefit from its surrounding resources. Currently in the planning stages of fiscal year 2016 the purpose of this project is to mitigate the negative effects of lowered water qaulity, higher energy demands, food sercurity and residential access to roadways in the community of Hastings, Florida. With the help from project managers, directors, civil engineers, and volunteeers we know this project will become a complete success. Here is a list in phases where both manicipalities will begin the early stages of development.
Through research and discovery the organizations have both obtained conclusive evidence that the Hastings area has a defect water situation. Solutions have been put into effect in order correct the unhealthy solutions and community residents have been notified about this matter. Some of the issues stem from standing storm water, excessive flooding of roadways, and a dated water treament facility.
Solar Energy Infrastructure will the next phase the project will sucessfully complete in the Hastings community. Implementation of a solar project will help residents save the cost of energy output per home by decreasing electrical wattage. Florida, “the sunshine state,” ranks third in the nation for rooftop solar potential, but all the way down at 14th for cumulative solar capacity installed. Florida’s solar policies lag behind many other states in the nation: it has no renewable portfolio standard and does not allow power purchase agreements, two policies that have driven investments in solar in other states.